Friday, July 27, 2012

lessons from batman

i saw the dark knight rises last night! i just love the fact that bruce wayne is always so emphatic about keeping batman's true identity a secret, so that people believe that he could be anyone. he could be your neighbor, he could be the clerk at the supermarket, he could even be that guy at the office that you don't like. 

like batman says...being a hero might mean saving a city, but it also might mean putting a coat around a boy's shoulders to comfort him.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

the fealty in our stars

you know those moments where things just seem to work out marvelously? i thought i wasn't going to be able to see amanda palmer (MY FAVORITE ARTIST AND BIGGEST INSPIRATION) and the grand theft orchestra's show while they're on tour, but i figured out that i'm on thanksgiving break for their last show!! I'M SO STOKED, INTERNET!!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

what i want

shout out to one of my new favorite series on youtube, squaresville! go check it out!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

nightly lightning

there was a huge thunderstorm last night. i dunno about anyone else but they always put me right to sleep.

Monday, July 23, 2012

welcome, one and all!

welcome to my comic! stay a while, enjoy, relax, leave comments, bookmark, tell your friends! 


now i'd like to take a minute to explain the blog...if you're interested, read on! if not...stay shiny!
the quote featured in that first comic is something that my grandpa used to say, and a motto i like to try to live by. we always get mired down by things that seem huge at the time, but kind of silly after the fact. 

this blog is both about the small stuff that bring us down and rising above it all.

i'm particularly excited to be creating this because i've never considered myself an artist, but i've always wanted to be. i've been doing these doodles for a while, but i didn't really think it was "art." so i started this blog in part to prove myself wrong and become the artist i never thought i could be. i hope it inspires other wannabe-artists to come out of their shells. 

so thanks, all! there will probably be a lot of changes to the template at the beginning of this here until i settle into something i really like. we may even change websites, WHO KNOWS? but i'm glad that you're joining this adventure with me. please, leave me comments and tell me things you like/don't like about the site and how i can improve!